I just realized I've been doing this blog for 3 years. I have such fun making these pictures and am a total Illustration Fridayaholic. I'm grateful for and incredulous of people's kind encouragements.
The greatly talented Vanessa of Oolala Design Studio kindly bequethed upon me this great award. The rules for this award are: 1-Display the logo on your blog 2-Link back to the person you received the award from 3-Nominate 7 other blogs 4-Put links of those blogs on yours 5-Leave a message on their blogs so they know they've been nominated. No obligation of course. Here are the people that I have nominated for this wonderful award. Mion, Goobeetsa Anonyrrie Go Pickle Dog Go So Much Shouting, So Much Laughing Majeak Ann Papiers Colles
Squirrels - you gotta love them and all their nimble antics. Although some would refer to these acrobatic critters as "tree rats" on account of their bird feeder thievery.